Yogalates with Svenja


Yogalates blends the best of Yoga and Pilates, mixing Yoga’s flowing movements and breathwork with Pilates’ core-strengthening and alignment. We go through a mix of poses and exercises to boost strength, flexibility, and balance, all while helping you relax and melt away stress.

  • Yogalates with Svenja
  • Yogalates with Svenja
  • Yogalates with Svenja
  • Yogalates with Svenja
  • Yogalates with Svenja

Yogalates is based on the foundational principles of Yaga & Pilates, Yogalates combines the flowing movements & breath work of Yoga with the core- strengthening and alignment principles of Pilates. We move through a series of poses and exercises that focus on building strength, flexibility and balance while also promoting relaxation and stress relief.