Power Hatha Yoga with Arina


The class includes asanas to develop strength, flexibility, stamina, mobility and pranayama. Final meditation helps us to calm down our mind. You will feel well balanced and ready to start your day.

  • Power Hatha Yoga with Arina
  • Power Hatha Yoga with Arina
  • Power Hatha Yoga with Arina
  • Power Hatha Yoga with Arina
  • Power Hatha Yoga with Arina

The Sanskrit words "Ha" and "Tha" represent the sun and moon, respectively, symbolising the opposing yet complementary forces within us. Hatha yoga, literally translated as "the path of force," is a traditional approach to yoga that aims to harmonise these forces through a combination of physical postures (asana), breathing exercises (pranayama), and meditation (dhyana). Unlike some more dynamic yoga styles such as Vinyasa, Hatha yoga emphasises holding poses for longer durations, allowing practitioners to cultivate a deeper connection with their breath and inner awareness. This class can be a little bit challenging with the sweaty powerful nature to improve your physical flexibility, strengthen the body, and promote mental clarity and peace.