Yin Yoga with Mafalda

(English, Portuguese)

The class of long-held, passive poses that work the lower part of the body – the hips, pelvis, lower spine to get to deeper layers of the body. You will feel relaxed, calmed and well balanced after class.

  • Yin Yoga with Mafalda
  • Yin Yoga with Mafalda
  • Yin Yoga with Mafalda
  • Yin Yoga with Mafalda
  • Yin Yoga with Mafalda

Yin yoga is based on the Taoist concept of yin and yang, opposite and complementary principles in nature. Yin represents the stable, unmoving, hidden aspect of things; yang is always changing, moving and revealing. These principles are also in our bodies - yin parts are the deepest tissues of the body, our connective tissues – ligaments, joints, bones, the deep fascia networks of the body and the meridians. A Yin yoga class usually consists of a series of long-held, passive floor poses when the muscles are relaxed that allows us to get to deeper layers.We mainly work with the lower part of the body – the hips, pelvis, inner thighs, lower spine. These areas are especially rich in connective tissues. The poses are held for up to five minutes, sometimes longer. The Yin yoga class gives you calmness and a well balanced mind and body, reduces stress and anxiety, improves joint mobility, increases circulation and improves flexibility, releases fascia and brings balance to the organs through meridian stimulation.