Nervous System Reset with Gabi

(English, Portuguese)

Your moment to pause, observe, and feel into all the little things that often go by unnoticed by use of movement, breath, meditation and yoga nidra.

  • Nervous System Reset with Gabi
  • Nervous System Reset with Gabi
  • Nervous System Reset with Gabi
  • Nervous System Reset with Gabi
  • Nervous System Reset with Gabi

As we know our brain is neuroplastic that means through yoga practices we improve our current state and yoga can bring us to calmness to have more energy, improve our sleep quality, reduce muscular tension, improve our body awareness and be more present. This class is designed as a moment to pause, observe, and feel into all the little things that often go by unnoticed. In the very slow pace of Vinyasa flow we settle your nervous system. By use of pranayama, meditation, and yoga nidra as tools to breathe into a deeper level of consciousness. If you are looking for some time to just pause from hectic daily moments this class is the perfect option to slow down, relax your body and mind.