Hatha Yoga with Cristiana

(English, Portuguese)

The class is designed for beginners to get familiar with Hatha yoga style to learn poses but also experience the power of breathing techniques and effects of relaxation.

  • Hatha Yoga with Cristiana
  • Hatha Yoga with Cristiana
  • Hatha Yoga with Cristiana
  • Hatha Yoga with Cristiana
  • Hatha Yoga with Cristiana

The Sanskrit words "Ha" and "Tha" represent the sun and moon, respectively, symbolising the opposing yet complementary forces within us. Hatha yoga, literally translated as "the path of force," is a traditional approach to yoga that aims to harmonise these forces through a combination of physical postures (asana), breathing exercises (pranayama), and meditation (dhyana). Unlike some more dynamic yoga styles such as Vinyasa, Hatha yoga emphasises holding poses for longer durations, allowing practitioners to cultivate a deeper connection with their breath and inner awareness. This class is designed for beginners to get familiar with Hatha yoga poses but also breathing and relaxation techniques.